This is towards any desperate BETA lurker out there... DO NOT TRUST ANY LINKS AND SITES THAT PROMISE DIABLO KEYS THROUGH STRANGE METHODS! Sites or links from sites like, or for example, will try to profit from your temporary madness :))!! THESE ARE FAKE AND WILL GET YOU IN TROUBLE :P. [ We have recently seen an increase of page visits from Russia . This thread is getting A LOT of attention from Russia ;) ]
Adds and videos like these:
(this almost had me goin xD)
(diablo3tester) lol
...will get your money stolen, privacy trashed, accounts, passwords or who knows what stolen!!! As a simple test, ANY and ALL links provided there end up in SURVEY based downloads. Also, try ADDING comments to such vids and you'll see that posting comments (if not fully disabled) will enter Comment Pending Approval.
As an experiment, I myself have tried a client download from one such youtube posted video, with a FAKE B-net ID, (by fake I mean that I've made an ID that I afford to loose having NOT 1 bit of real info on it :">) and used the client's login, normal and official "new" UI but with a strange trashed out look and a strange gray band on the upper side...
As an experiment, I myself have tried a client download from one such youtube posted video, with a FAKE B-net ID, (by fake I mean that I've made an ID that I afford to loose having NOT 1 bit of real info on it :">) and used the client's login, normal and official "new" UI but with a strange trashed out look and a strange gray band on the upper side...
new Logscreen
old Logscreen
...well (and it's no beta key winning answer), guess what happened after the client turned me down (as it was normal since NO license was attached to the account) ... :D. I tried to log into my B-net account ... but something didn't quite go as expected :p, i COULD NOT log on to my account that i had logged and been logged on (since at some point i saw it auto-logging me out)., bottom line is:
- Blizz, get more betas out for GOD's sake, (we know your servers can hold it :p, so much WOW population missing from your servers must have made space for new stuff ;) ),
- rest of us, grab a little more patience or at least try and be CAUTIOUS and do a little research before going click frenzy-berserker mode,
- help with clean-up and do as I did... flag the hell out of every single piece of shit account info stealing bit of video, site or blog that you visit in an effort to make our wait a little less perilous ;).
For additional info and for your piece of mind it seems there are a few "leaked" BETA clients, just that I for one, can't be sure where they connect to and how many places they send info to (if any1 that has such skills is willing to try it out, please contact me with the results).
MMO-champ has had such a thread up since september (here) and even diablofans (witch is currently HOSTING a BETA KEY contest, listed right here on this blog in the BETA thread) has provided such a client since september and even official us.blizz D3 forum has a few of these running but with threads like THIS, where the guy tried it, hit the wall with his face and now when asking for help is getting a lot of lame answers just cuz he tried :p. Feels like Blizzard isn't even wasting time on such ppl... desperate crawlers that try and cheat ... such bastards they are rlly... lol (this just brings me to another matter and subject but I'll struggle to stay on topic ... you let every1 host and post tons of gameplay, someone puts out some BAD game clients, you find out ...prolly 1st to find out, say nothing, ppl bite the bait, you still say nothing), we could have had an official client out or at least a firm statement that ALL other things out there are fake and bad for you, as hilarious as it may sound :p.
To strengthen the above statements and make everything a bit clearer and after taking a quick look at the official FAQ, we have picked out a few relevant bits of info on this matter:
How will i know if I am selected as Diablo 3 beta tester?
You will find this information from an official invitation sent to your B-net account or by email (the email attached to your account). Make sure check your beta opt-in settings on Please also make sure that you are on the REAL domain when submitting sensitive information.
Where can I download Diablo 3 beta?
Currently you cannot download Diablo 3 beta (officially).
Where can I get Diablo 3 beta demo?
Currently there is no demo of Diablo III or it's beta version and there will most likely not be any until official launch.
Can I get into Diablo 3 beta via Fansites or Contests?
It has not been announced yet, but it is most likely that d3 fan sites will run contests where fans will have the opportunity to participate and win a beta key. We will inform you if we will run an official Blizz beta key contest.
Diablo 3 beta scams?
Your first line of defense against scams and/or fake emails is to always check where the original message comes from, to make sure that when submitting account information, you do it on official sites and not mirror fakes ones (phishing) and ofcourse to only "login" on your account page and on secure, unmodified game clients. There are many scam emails, youtube vids, websites, rapidshare downloads about Diablo 3, stay away from them or make sure you know what you are doing.
"HELP I GOT HACKED" Battlenet Account Security and standard support protocol. Go there ASAP if you are in trouble and follow the instructions EXACTLY as presented.
Hacks & Cheats in Diablo 3 Beta?
Any form of cheats and hacks in Diablo 3 beta will not be tolerated and will get your account banned from Blizzard Entertainment. As everything will run via, known tools from Diablo 2 such as maphack, character editors, item editors and mods will get you banned.
That being said and to wrap this up, do tend to your accounts be it WoW (like mine) or SC, as you won't only expose your personal data to unknown entities from the undergound, you will also pop millions of neurons, grow some white hairs (or hares), learn to swear in 3 different languages fluently, feel frustrated, pissed (while someone from china might make you farm in SCHOLAZAR after your ...hunter's pets have been deleted, your banks emptied ...even tho your own guild members will soon be able to do that...just liek them hackin gold farmers :>) and so on and so forth, you will lose time or worse risking your account and your "reputation" with blizz.
So, stay safe and NI-HAO to all.
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Regarding those BETA KEYS...GOOD LUCK:).... that:)...POPS
ReplyDeleteHaha, saw that at some point ... as usual, as usual :p. I wish I could reply...but guess what, they won't let me and I WON'T PAY UP! :D
ReplyDeleteOh ... this was a killer: "No, we don't have internet in Romania, but Bulgaria has such strong wi-fi that we just leech off them, like any good neighbor does. For leeching we use with huge post communist antenas.
ReplyDeleteNo key yet." :)))))